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Appoint senior professors in absence of VCs, pro-VCs: education ministry

All the public universities of the country will be temporarily managed by senior professors in absence of vice chancellors, pro-vice chancellors, and treasurers.
The secondary and higher education division of the ministry issued a notification in this regard yesterday.
The education ministry directed the universities to appoint a senior professor to oversee urgent financial and administrative matters, and the decision would be made in consultation with the deans’ council and departmental heads.
The directive comes in response to a wave of resignations and absences among the public universities’ administrative officials. Several vice-chancellors and other officials have either resigned or remained absent at their positions. These vacancies have created significant disruptions in the day-to-day financial and administrative activities of the universities.
That’s why instruction of appointing a senior professor at the universities came to fill the leadership void until new VCs are appointed.
